“Dead Reckoning” Map from Tiny Battle Games released

Fred Manzo May 25, 2016 0
“Dead Reckoning” Map from Tiny Battle Games released

By Fred Manzo

Dead Reckoning map

This is a section of the map for Hermann Luttmann’s latest game, “Dead Reckoning.” It will be published by Tiny Battle Games in the next month or so. It’s a two-player zombie wargame, but with a combat system that does not use dice, a Combat Results Table or a Terrain Effects Chart. In other words, very little math is involved. If the system is a success, and I have no doubt that it will be, we’ll probably use it in future games. Tim Allen is the artist. As more information is released I pass it alone. (As always, there is extra credit for those able to decipher the map references). Click to enlarge.

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