From the King’s College London web site
Simulating War: Studying Conflict through Simulation Games
‘Brilliant. Professor Sabin has produced a masterwork, one worthy to grace bookshelves that are home to Von Reisswitz’s Kriegsspiel, Wells’s Little Wars, Morse and Kimball’s Methods of Operations Research, and Schelling’s The Strategy of Conflict. If you want to learn more about the unquestionably horrible but quintessentially human activity that is War, you need to read this book. Take its lessons to heart and play or, even better, design some wargames of your own.’
Dr Peter Perla, Center for Naval Analyses, author of The Art of Wargaming.
This is the sequel to Philip Sabin’s acclaimed work Lost Battles which uses simulation techniques to cast new light on famous Greek and Roman land engagements through a highly innovative process of ‘comparative dynamic modelling’.
In his new book, Professor Sabin focuses on simulation techniques in their own right. He draws on the thousands of wargames which have been published over the past 50 years……
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