By the Staff of White Dog Games
Plancenoit 1815
The advance of the Prussian IV Corps led by Bulow threatened the French right flank and rear near the town of Plancenoit during the battle of Waterloo. Napoleon was forced to take much-needed troops from his front against the Allies under Wellington to hold back Bulow. In effect, he traded men for time. Crisis on the Right: Plancenoit 1815 is a tactical simulation of those events on June 18, 1815. NOW AVAILABLE!
The Last Stand is a solitaire or two-player game that simulates the action on June 25, 1876 when the U.S. Seventh Cavalry was decisively defeated by Sioux and Cheyenne warriors. The player commands the US Seventh Cavalry and solitaire rules or a second player control the Native American forces. The game has 12 turns, each turn about 20 minutes of real time. COMING SOON! |
Caribbean Storm: Honduras 2009 is a “what if” game of modern era conflict simulation based on the historical constitutional crisis in Honduras in 2009. The Honduran army has removed President Manuel Zelaya by a coup d’état and Venezuela, with Cuban and Nicaraguan political and possibly military support, has decided to restore him by force. A grand tactical game, Caribbean Storm can be played by two players or it can be played solitaire. COMING SOON! |
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