By Fred Manzo
It’s been a very busy summer around here. We are on track to release at least three games by the end of the year: Steamroller: Tannenberg 1914 in Yaah! #10, Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg, from Revolution Games and At Any Cost: Metz 1870 from GMT. All are in the final stages of playtesting. I thought I’d show everyone some of the latest pictures:

The latest playtest of the “Whirlpool” scenario from “Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg” from Revolution Games. (This game was known as “Hammerin’ Sickles” when it was on GMT’s P500 list). As can be seen, this scenario includes The Wheatfield and The Stony Hill, but just outside the picture is The Devil’s Den and The Peach Orchard. “Longstreet Attacks,” is the third volume in Revolution Games American Civil War series. The first two volumes were the highly received “Stonewall’s Sword: the Battle of Cedar Mountain” and “Thunder in the Ozarks: the Battle of Pea Ridge.”
On the backburner, for now, are such games as “Crowbar, the Assault on Pointe du Hoc,” “Like Hailstones Upon Rooftops: The Struggle for Culp’s Hill,” which is based on “In Magnificant Style,” “Of Iron and Blood,” a strategic level game on the Franco-Prussian war, and a Space Opera solitaire game. They all should be available in 2018. In addition, we’ve got ideas concerning a game on Verdun and something involving Zombies. (You always need more Zombies).
Hermann Luttmann is the designer of these games and I’m their developer, except for the Space Opera game, where I’m the designer and Hermann is the developer. Tim Allen is the artist for most of these games, but Rick Barber, Charles Kibler, Mark Mahaffey are the artists for Longstreet Attacks and Rodger B. MacGowan is the artist for “At Any Cost: Metz 1870.”
Game Resources:
At Any Cost: Metz 1870 GMT Home page
Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg Revolution Games Home page
Yaah! Home page