Liberty or Death
By Harold Buchanan and Fred Manzo
(Click to enlarge)

The southern section of the map for “Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection” by Harold Buchanan. Photo and explanations by Volko Ruhnke from Wiki.

The northern section of the map for “Liberty or Death: The American Insurrection” by Harold Buchanan. Photo and explanations by Volko Ruhnke from Wiki.

The four factions in this game are Indians, French, British and American Patriots. The American Royalties (Tory) faction is a portion of the British forces.

:Liberty or Death” is Volume V in GMT’s COIN Series, which started with Volko Ruhnke’s “Andean Abyss.”
The other games in the series that have been published are “Cuba Libre” “A Distant Plain” and “Fire in the Lake.” “Liberty or Death” started shipping on January 13th of this year.
Game Resources:
Final Rules
Liberty or Death’s Home Page