Black Swan »

“A Most Fearful Sacrifice”: Playtest After-Action-Report 2: “Making Sausage: All this Is My Fault – Pickett’s Charge”

“A Most Fearful Sacrifice”: Playtest After-Action-Report 2: “Making Sausage: All this Is My Fault – Pickett’s Charge”

Other July 28, 2020 0

“Making Sausage: All this Is My Fault – Pickett’s Charge” By Claude Whalen:   You would think that making a Pickett’s Charge scenario would be simple; march across open ground, get blasted along the

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A Most Fearful Sacrifice: After-Action-Report of its Grand Battle Scenario – Playtest Version

A Most Fearful Sacrifice: After-Action-Report of its Grand Battle Scenario – Playtest Version

Other July 15, 2020 0

                       Or “This Is Why We Playtest a Lot”  By Claude Whalen:  Thousands of books have been written on Gettysburg, it seems that everyone

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