by Morten Monrad Pedersen

Hermann Luttmann in the middle flanked by Frank Chadwick on the left and Tim Allen on the right. The game being played is Gettysburg: The Wheatfield. Image credit: Victory Point Games. (BGG)
If I where to name two game designers who got me hooked on solo gaming then one of them would be Hermann Luttmann and since starting this blog doing an interview with him has been at the top of my list of goals.
The game that made Hermann stand out to me is Dawn of the Zeds, which for me ranks as the best solo game I’ve tried (and as the second bestselling game for the Publisher VPG) and I thought that the current Kickstarter for the third edition of that game was a good opportunity to do the interview.
Apart form Dawn of the Zeds Hermann has made several other games, such as In Magnificent Styleand A Spoiled Victory: Dunkirk 1940. Hermann stands out as one of those all-round nice guys, he’s very active in responding to rule questions about his games here on BGG and in the large number of comments, I’ve seen from him I don’t think there’s ever been a single negative word .
Now, I said that this interview as triggered by the third edition of Dawn of the Zeds, but actually Hermann wasn’t much involved in the making of the third edition, and I’ve already done two interviews regarding the making of that edition (interview with the publisher; interview with part of the playtest team).
This interview will therefore mainly focus on the history of the game, nonetheless we’ll start with the third edition…..
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