From Our Own (NYT) Correspondent. Published: April 14, 1865
THE SURRENDER.; Full Details of the Great Event from an Eye-Witness. The Interview Between Grant and Lee. The Dignified and Amiable Character of the Scene. Signing of the Articles of Capitulation by Lee. He Expresses Thanks for the Generous Conditions. The Surrender Received by the Rebel Army with Cheers. Social Meeting of Prominent Officers of the Two Armies. A Second Interview Between Grant and Lee on
Horseback. General Lee Announces that He Will Exert Himself for a Complete Cessation of Hostilities. The Number of Men Surrendered 18,000 to 20,000. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. THE SURRENDER…..
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“Panoramic image of the reconstructed parlor of the McLean House. Ulysses S. Grant sat at the simple wooden table on the right, while Robert E. Lee sat at the more ornate marble-topped table on the left.” – Wiki