Hi everyone!
First off, if you’re seeing this update in one column, don’t worry! We’ve been listening to feedback from customers wanting a wider column and bigger text, so we’ve revamped the look a bit. We’re limited somewhat by what MailChimp allows, but I hope you guys like this format better.
It was great to see some of you at our Weekend at the Warehouse this past weekend. It’s always fun for us to catch up and play some games with such a great mix of long-time friends (many of whom happen to also be extremely talented game designers!) and game lovers who are attending for the first time. I want to extend a special thanks to all of our office and warehouse crew who make this event happen. As usual, they were gracious and efficient hosts. Thank you!
I know the SALE is what you’re all waiting for, but please, when you get a chance, read the rest of this update, as we’ve made a few fundamental changes aimed at speeding the P500 process, including when we add new P500 games to the list, when we print “Over-500” games, and how we report them in the Production Queue. We also have a new FREE update kit on the way (check the News You Can Use section), a new Digital Update from Gary at Playdek, and a peek at the beautiful playtest map for Imperial Struggle, as well as some status updates for games in the “Production Updates and Sample Art” section.
New P500s: We are adding three new games to the P500 list this month! Please see the P500 section below for details. It’s hard to go wrong with new games from Chad Jensen, Volko Ruhnke, and Mitchell Land! Enjoy!
I’m going to spend the rest of this column telling you about our long-awaited SALE, which starts at 1 PM Pacific time today!!!! Here are the details:
SALE!! This sale has traditionally been to thank all the customers who use our P500 system. But it’s been three years since our last sale (due to all kinds of challenges getting our systems upgraded), and I just think it is ridiculous to make our customers prove how many P500 items they’ve ordered over that time. It would also be a huge time sink for our office ladies, as transitioning to the new system caused some issues with older records. SO, I’m opening this sale to ALL of our customers, and I’m making the Quantity limit high enough (20 items max – hopefully this will help some gaming groups build their game libraries) that I think no one should feel cheated that I didn’t give them enough half-off games. That’s the gist of it. The important details are below. Have fun! I hope you all find many games at great prices that will bring you many hours of enjoyment!
No Euro Friendly Shipping: I’m sorry, but the Euro-friendly shipping like we use for P500 ordering is not an option for the sale. Our agreement with our friends at Second Chance Games is that it’s for P500 orders only. I asked Tony if it would be at all possible to modify that agreement and use it for this sale, and he told me basically only if I wanted to end our friendship and business relationship with Second Chance. So, no, I don’t want to do that. I hope that in spite of that, the deep discounts across a broad line in this sale will still make ordering viable for our European customers.
Sale Duration: 1 pm (Pacific Time) October 18 – Midnight (Pacific Time) October 25, 2018
Sale Details: 50% off on all IN-STOCK GMT games (not UGG, Vae Victis, Ludifolie or Hexasim) games:
Sale Quantity Limit: Maximum of 20 Items
While They Last: These sale prices last for each offered game until it is sold out or until the sale ends on October 25, 2018. We expect numerous games to sell out during the sale. When you try to add a game to your cart and get a message that the order exceeds quantity remaining in stock, it’s sold out. Please choose other games. We’ll do our best to update these with sold out notifications on their thumbnails and moving them out of the in-stock category as quickly as possible during the sale to avoid confusion.
How to Get the Sale Price: Go to our website and prepare your order from eligible games (see below, in “Items you can buy at the 50% off Sale Price). Then, when you checkout, use the following code to get 50% off on the order: GMTSale2018
NOTE: Please DO NOT combine Sale items on the same order as a P500 order. This makes it much more difficult for our office and warehouse folks to process.
Items you can buy at the 50% off Sale Price:
1. Any In-Stock GMT Game (everything we’ve shipped up through the COINFEST Part 1 games, but NOT including A Distant Plain, Fire in the Lake, or the FitL Update Kit – which are P500 games shipping now)
2. You can also purchase Accessories as one of your “items” – mounted maps, card decks,counter trays, etc, if you just run out of games you want to get. Note: We’ve done quite a few really nice Mounted Maps for a variety of games over the past few years. All of these that are still in stock are eligible for the sale. Here’s your chance to get some nice mounted maps at half price!
3. Check out our Specials Page!! Please remember that you absolutely CAN use the games on the Specials Page as part of these 50% off orders if you wish. We’ve just made a new round of game additions to that page in advance of this sale. So when you see the already great discount prices there, then get another 50% off of the listed “On Sale For” price for the sale, you are creating CRAZY HUGE discounts on some great games! So check out the Specials Page and get some great deals!
Watch the GMT Server Go Poof! Although we seriously hope that this isn’t a game we’ll play very much this week, we DO anticipate a large load on our server. Our new server is much more robust than the old one, but still, it has limits. So please, if you have trouble getting on the site today or tomorrow, be patient with us and come back later. Because we have customers around the world, we have fewer “low load times” than we used to, but still, generally we have less load during late night in the US, so you might try then if there’s a server crush during your preferred order window. Thanks for your patience!
PLEASE!!!!!! Please help out our office ladies (and Rachel, who does the audits/reporting) by using the correct discount code – GMTSale2018 – and by not combining Sale and P500 items on one order. THANKS!
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